"Tah-Daaah . . ."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The War of Art

"It is one thing to study war
and another to live the life of a warrior"

--Telamonof Arcadia
Mercenary of the fifth century B.C.

While I have been counting the hours in bed until I recover from my cold, I have been reading this amazing book called "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield. He is known for his novel turned movie, "The Legend of Bagger Vance". In it he explores all of the hidden obstacles that an artist faces in their journey. He explains how we have "Resistance" (born out of ego) that is continually trying to keep us away from our dreams and artistic freedom. "Ego hates artists because they are the pathfinders and bearers of the future..." Pressfield even speaks of Angels and muses that are not seen, but have a powerful force within our creative abilities. "As resistance works to keep us from becoming who we were born to be, equal and opposite powers are counter-poise against it. These are our allies and angels." All you have to do is listen. There are many examples of ancient Greek mythology and the Gods and their muses that are very interested in our material existence. They whisper in our ear a seed of artistic genius.

Before you run off thinking that this book is "too far out", just wait! He offers practical steps about how to become a professional artist. He explains in numerous chapters how "A professional does not accept excuses, does not hesitate to ask for help or does not take success or failure personally." I love his own personal stories as a writer struggling to conquer and forge ahead regardless of how strong the resistance is. His story about the making of "The Legend of Bagger Vance" is so funny and inspiring!

If you are truly an artist, whether, singer, dancer, painter actor, writer, this book will give you the kick in the butt you've needed. In fact, after reading the book I started this blog. I've always been told that I should continue writing and that I had a special way of relating to the audience. But after my Mom's death and the many tragic experiences I've endured in my life within the past 5 years, I silenced that voice. I am grateful for this book. I believe that my angels or muse used my sickness as an opportunity to get me back on track and on my destiny by whispering . . ."write on, child, write..."     xoxo Yvette

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